Thursday, August 14, 2008

Dedicated to my close friends.....

Thank you for always being there,
To listen and understand me.
I appreciate all you did for me,
And all you still do.

Thank you for making me feel whole again,
For putting my pieces back together.
I appreciate you putting my life back together,
You saved my life.

You may not understand,
Why I do what I do.
But you never criticized,
You just helped me through.

I knew I could come to you when I was down,
'cause I knew you'd always be there
to pick me back up
and say everything will be ok.

Love u all.......

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

WhAt A NiGhT!!!!!!!!!

oh God...its almost morning n still m on my bed..cudnt many things r on my mind...dhen nunidhenya v foohivey..
aslu nunidhigen online vee bt i wasnt in da mood to talk to anyone so m appear off...molhu dho..hehehe
alhey kihineh hedheema tha nidheynee....Do anyone have any idea???????