Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Friendship

I saw love and care in ur eyes....
That night was like a beautiful dream
Remember the river, remember the park n remember the views
Remember how happy we were together
How charming our friendhip was n how things changed from that moment***
U knew the situation was the same n it wont change
U knew exactly what was going to happen
But u never thought about it at that moment
N i never thought u will let me down all ended like a bad dream
Now m confused with tears
Confused why i let my self
Confused this can't be me
Confused by the fact that I was betrayed by the one i trusted most
It is hurting me every day n u dnt see it
But ther is no body to blame also
No body to complain about this
This is more like uninformed game
I don't know how I got here
N I don't know how long I'll stay
But soon enough I'll be on my way
Cox now i trust in myself only
N i dnt expect anything from anyone


Wish said...

heartbreakin story u got here lov
when u get stuk inbetween friendship n love thats a disaster...its worse than a storm
a reason for not fallin in love

f@ash said... can destroy anyone n i kinda lost my way..but u kno m glad u wer by my side every min...n i lov u for tht..*umwah n hugs*

lilac said...

so touchin *crying*
really its like tsunami wen friendship n love stuck ..much worse than dat.i guess thank god u r back..m happy for dat.u r really strong u struggled n came back with more confidence n it :)
nice post dear.....

Anonymous said...

does any story have a happy ending? i guess not, even though it has, eventually when it goes out of fiction, there would be problems in waiting mode