Wednesday, May 7, 2008

A distractive day

i dnt kno wats happening to mood to do anything..m doin nothin bt slpin n watchin Tv...i hvnt done anything useful..i kno my exams are very near and i shud be studyin for exams right now bt..errrrrrrrr....i cudnt do tht...
m thinkin of revisin my lessons since from how finally i ended up doin somethin useless..
oh God i dnt wanna b like this..
i nyd some motivation..
i want some miracle to happen, to change my mood..


Anonymous said...

how about group studying? it helps me when m out of mood to study. Plus, kiyavaaninmaalaafa soup gandeh kakkaalaafa.. mashah ves gulhaathi :)

Wish said...

if i was there id get u a tulip everyday if u revise...hehehe
motivation booster eh dhow beynunvaneee i wish i was there...DISCONNECT ASTRO...LOL
no girl u can do it...go get sum books...

đєuиħøłүguy said...

same thing is happenin tu me!!!
wnt tu study yet dont...lyf sucks